What if a dog that was placed with us doesn't work out for some reason?

If a Therapy K-9 does not work out for any reason, Beyond the Leash Foundation offers support to address the issue. This may include additional training, re-evaluation of the placement, or finding a more suitable home for the dog. We will also accept back any dog that a department does not want or is unable to keep. Our goal is to ensure the best match for both the dog and the department.

A good handler is patient, compassionate, and committed to the well-being of the Therapy K-9. They should have strong communication skills, a willingness to participate in ongoing training, and an understanding of the unique needs of first responders and their therapy dogs. Reliability and the ability to form a strong bond with the dog are also crucial.

What makes a good handler for a First Responder Therapy K-9 team?

Starting with a puppy allows for early and extensive socialization and training, tailored to your specific needs from a young age. Older dogs, on the other hand, may already have some training and socialization, which can shorten the preparation time. Both options are trained to meet the high standards required for first responder therapy work.

What is the difference between starting with a puppy versus an older dog?

Fully trained therapy dogs are valued anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000, similar to the valuation of service dogs from other nonprofits. However, this cost is FREE to first responder agencies thanks to our donors and sponsors!

Agencies must purchase the Therapy Dog Continuous Training Package and Facility Package. The price for these packages can vary depending on sponsorships and donations.

How much does it cost to get our Therapy K-9 program started?

The process for receiving a Therapy K-9 from Beyond the Leash Foundation includes an initial consultation to understand your specific needs, followed by selecting the right dog for your department. We then proceed with extensive training tailored to first responders, desensitizing the dog to emergency sounds and environments. After completion, we provide ongoing support and yearly certification to maintain the highest standards.

What does the process for receiving a Therapy K-9 entail?

To start a First Responder Therapy K-9 program, download our comprehensive Roadmap to First Responder Therapy K-9 Programs here! This document provides detailed steps, guidelines, and best practices to ensure your program is set up for success. We also offer a free 30-minute consultation call to provide assistance to agencies with any roadblocks you are encountering.

What are the steps for starting a First Responder Therapy K-9 program?


To get started, contact us today to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your needs and learn more about our programs. We will guide you through the process, from selecting the right dog to ongoing training and support!

How do we get started working with you to create our Therapy K-9 program?

Working with Beyond the Leash Foundation ensures you receive a Therapy K-9 that exceeds national standards, with specialized training tailored to first responder environments. Our comprehensive program offers unparalleled support, including one year of training, certification, and ongoing assistance. We are dedicated to the success of your Therapy K-9 program and the well-being of both the dogs and the handlers.

Why should we work with Beyond the Leash Foundation to start our Therapy K-9 program?

Ownership of the Therapy K-9 typically resides with the department or organization that the dog is placed with. However, this can vary based on specific agreements and arrangements made during the placement process. Beyond the Leash Foundation retains a vested interest in the dog's well-being and provides ongoing support.

Who owns the Therapy K-9?

When a handler is traveling, it is important to arrange for appropriate care for the Therapy K-9. For our local departments, we offer boarding at Beyond the Leash Dog Training, LLC at a discounted price. For non-local departments, we assist in identifying suitable local boarding facilities. Other options include having another trained handler take over temporarily or bringing the dog along if the travel situation allows. We provide guidance to ensure the Therapy K-9's well-being during the handler's absence.

What if our handler is traveling - what do they do with their Therapy K-9?